In 1887, yes one hundred and thirty years ago Lord Acton famously wrote,
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
So, are his thoughts still true today? It is difficult to disagree with the first part of the statement, when on every website, social media channel and television station there are stories of men in power abusing their position. The list of media executives, Hollywood icons, politicians and corporate moguls is so extensive I hear myself internally singing with Bonnie Tyler, where have all the good men gone?
Why do so many turn to the dark side when faced with opportunity?
“If once you start down the dark path, forever will It dominate your destiny, consume you it will.”
There are so many books, websites and blogs on leadership traits with integrity and humility listing top of the list. The really good news is Zig Ziglar said, “that anyone can develop both.” Isn’t it about time that we all collectively make sure that those in power do?
Are all great men destined to always be bad? I believe not. There are many great men who may or may not be at the top of the corporate ladder or in the public eye but nonetheless they put others first. I have been lucky enough to have worked for and been brought up by such men.
Is this exclusive to men? Sadly, not enough women are in the position of power to test Lord Acton’s theory. Last year females represented less than 20% of all Directors of NZX listed businesses. As a leader, it is my responsibility to encourage and support my female staff to aim high. As a recruitment agency for us to stand up for equality. And lastly as a husband, it is my solemn promise to help raise our family so that my wife can climb higher.
As a leader, we are privileged to oversee the careers and futures of others. We are there to be a mentor and guide, to encourage and inspire.
No one should be sexually harassed. No one should be discriminated on grounds of race, sexuality, gender or age. No woman should be underpaid. I ask ever other leader,
“To bring out the best in others and in return they will bring out the best in you.”
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